Calling NGOs for Emergency Funding Program “Project Fuel” Application

    In view of the major socio-economic impacts caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, The D. H. Chen Foundation presents Project Fuel that will provide emergency financial support to Hong Kong’s small-sized, non-subvented non-government organizations (“the NGOs”) in order to maintain their core operations amid this challenging moment.

    The Project will also include Fellowship Program which offers various networking and coaching opportunities to awarded NGOs, empowering them to be more resilient in the face of adversity.

    In addition to meeting urgent needs of our community, the Foundation aspires to foster a healthy and long-term development within the NGOs, as well as collaboration among like-minded stakeholders to drive bigger impact.

    Application period: May 25, 2020 at 12pm to June 5, 2020 at 12pm

    More details of Project Fuel: English Version , 中文版
    Online Application Form: