Supporting Students’ Online Learning through Tablet Donation During COVID-19

    When schools are suspended during COVID-19 and have switched to providing students with online learning at home, it may widen the digital divide among students that could severely affect their learning, especially those from underprivileged families.

    The D. H. Chen Foundation understands the needs of such community and therefore collaborates with Big Education Platform (“BEP”) in support of the Computer Donation Scheme for Students’ Online Learning (“the Scheme”) (「學生網上學習電腦捐贈計劃」). 400 tablets have been donated to secondary schools targeting financially deprived lower-form secondary students, with priority given to those with special education needs and cross-border students. The secondary schools will also provide follow-up support to ensure students are fully engaged in online learning.

    BEP is a local nonprofit founded by a group of social and education leaders with a mission to create equal learning opportunities for all. The nonprofit has already donated 1,300 tablets to over 300+ secondary schools and their students since March with the support from other donors. With the contribution of the Foundation, more students with limited resources would be able to benefit from the Scheme.