Project Fuel
Project Fuel

Hong Kong Association for AD/HD (專注不足 / 過度活躍症(香港)協會)

Bo (保 - “protect”)
Administrative Worker (行政工作人員)

"Compassion to me means stepping into someone else’s shoes and acting accordingly to meet their needs."


“I worked with the Association for AD/HD for almost 3 years. AD/HD stands for attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and symptoms include difficulty focusing, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Parenting is hard enough, but parenting children with special needs adds a whole new dimension – many struggle with communicating with and disciplining their kids. Our mission is to bring these parents together, to share resources and to provide a supportive network and community. My work was very diverse. I took care of operations, accounts, marketing and I recruited new members and organised events. Before this, I was in the banking industry for more than two decades. I first started volunteering in 1998, answering calls for The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association hotline to provide support to kids in need. After all those years in the financial world, I reached a point in my career where I was seeking purpose and questioning what more I could do for our community. When this opportunity came up, I decided to go for it.”


“During the heights of COVID, I organised a few rounds of resource distribution to families in need. We wanted to send the message that we are there to support them through this challenging period. Compassion to me means stepping into someone else’s shoes and acting accordingly to meet their needs. Kindness can be expressed in many different ways but the most important thing is to listen intently and openly to really understand what the needs are. There is a lot of misunderstanding around children with AD/HD. From my experience, these are all great kids but are sometimes unable to control themselves and find it difficult to concentrate or read body language. This can lead to conflict with others, which often gives them the unfair label of “bad kids”. Communicating with individuals with AD/HD is just like learning a new language – all you need is patience and a willingness to keep trying.” 「疫情嚴重嗰排,我哋都派咗好幾輪防疫物資俾有需要嘅家長。我哋希望佢哋感受到,喺呢段困難嘅日子同理心係要從對方嘅角度出發,諗下佢哋有咩需要,再去提供協助。裡面,有我哋同佢哋一齊面對。對我嚟講,我哋幫人有好多種唔同嘅方式,最緊要係用心同埋開放咁去聆聽,真係去了解對方嘅需要。外界對於AD/HD嘅小朋友有好多誤解。根據我自己嘅經驗,佢哋都係可愛嘅細蚊仔,只係佢哋有時會控制唔到自己,好難集中,或者唔識得解讀人哋嘅身體語言。咁樣令到佢哋比較容易同其他人有衝突,令佢哋好多時被標籤做「壞孩子」,其實係唔公道嘅。同有AD/HD嘅人溝通就好似學一種新嘅語言咁,只要你有耐性同埋願意不斷嘗試,始終會學得識﹗」

“I’ve always had a great connection with kids. I remember when I was volunteering for the hotline, I would really look forward to taking the calls. After a long day of dealing with finances and money all day at work, being able to listen to and help kids with their worries and concerns about friends, family and school was like a breath of fresh air. Children are so authentic – when they’re happy they show it and when they’re sad they can’t hide it. Kids with AD/HD are just the same, they just need a special way of communication. I find so much joy and satisfaction in doing work that allows me to meet others’ needs. Back in the day when I was a kid, we didn’t have much awareness or education around AD/HD. I’m sure there were plenty of individuals who were undiagnosed and misunderstood. Hopefully our work helps to di-stigmatise the condition and create more openness in our community. To me, AD/HD is not really an illness, but a special quality and characteristic – like we all have!”


Want to know more about Hong Kong Association for AD/HD? Click HERE