Co-Learning on Philanthropic Innovation

    Knowledge exchange and experience sharing lie at the heart of The D. H. Chen Foundation’s philanthropic philosophy. Last Friday, we have organized a “Philanthropic Innovation Co-Learning Session” with Lee Hysan Foundation and Porticus, and have invited Tri-Sector Associates from Singapore to share with us via Zoom on Philanthropic Investment Innovations including Pay for Success and Social Impact Guarantee. It was a fruitful learning workshop and we shall continue to explore more potential synergies to promote philanthropic innovation. Let’s see what our summer intern Carolyn LIU (DHCF 2020 cohort Scholar) who have participated in the session thinks:

    Throughout my internship at the D. H. Chen Foundation, one of the most memorable experiences is definitely the workshop held on 20 Aug. Given the golden opportunity to meet experts from different foundations, I have gained various insights on policy advocacy and impact measurement, for example how NGOs can cooperate with the Government and how we can measure impacts specifically, not to mention the experts’ sharing of their experiences on project facilitation and management. It has truly been a rewarding experience for me.