Second Forum by Hong Kong Time Bank Platform

    Applause for the Hong Kong Time Bank Platform! The Second Forum, organized by The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tseung Kwan O Aged Care Complex and supported by The D. H. Chen Foundation (“the Foundation”), was held on 25 September, 2021 online. Over 250 participants from 70 organizations including nonprofits and academic institutions enjoyed the fruitful exchange given by Professor Terry Lum, The University of Hong Kong and Professor Wong Hung, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and other time bank members from partner NGOs. 

    As part of the three-year Time Bank program “Weaving of Wellness – Seniors Mutual Help Development Project”, the Platform will continue to promote time bank model which is applicable to the aging society in Hong Kong .

    For those who are interested in revisiting the Time Bank webinar, please click:
    Part 1:
    Part 2: