New Year, New Chapter

    A new year marks a new beginning.  It is also a time for reflection and resolution. In the September 2022「廷驊思語」講座系列:生命.頌禮 ??????????? ????, ???? ???????????, DHCF has invited Ven. Chuan Deng, Bobo and Connie to share their personal stories of turning regrets into a force for change and positivity, and we can all live a fulfilling life as long as we want it to be.

    We encourage you to revisit this talk we co-hosted with The Centre for Spiritual Progress to Great Awakening (“SPGA”) and get inspired by the wisdom of the 3 guest speakers to turn those “could haves” or “should haves” into positive actions, and make 2023 a fulfilling chapter in your life.

    The talk is available on our YouTube channel HERE

    Learn more about our collaboration with SPGA HERE