
  • initiate
  • capacity building
  • catalyst for collaboration
  • year
  • partners
    Time Auction
  • beneficiaries
    Small-sized nonprofits in Hong Kong
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Building Peer-powered Social Good Community through Digital Platform

The social good sector in Hong Kong has been blessed with organizations and staff who have dedicated their lives to ensure the needs of the people they serve are well met. At the same time, these organizations are often limited in achieving their goals by tangible constraints, particularly a lack of resources, skills, knowledge, and a supportive network that can lend a helping hand or a listening ear.

Stemming from the collective experiences of Project Fuel, a core operational funding and capacity building program for small-sized nonprofits initiated by The D. H. Chen Foundation, Co’asis is co-initiated by the Foundation and Time Auction aiming to build a strength-based, resource-sharing and community-building platform that encourages peer learning and exchanges among small-sized nonprofits.

Both organizations believe in co-learning and recognize the power of a nonprofit community, where inherent and diverse strengths from nonprofits organizations can be harnessed through meaningful, give-and-take relationships. However, such platform of sharing tangible and intangible resources while fostering genuine, trusting connections among nonprofits is not available. Leveraging Time Auction’s rising role as a connector of resources to the nonprofit sector, Co’asis aims to organically build strong peer relationships especially among small-sized nonprofits in Hong Kong.

Through the platform nonprofits can benefit from first-hand peer guidance and resources to help them navigate challenges specific to their unique circumstances, bridging their core needs while contributing towards solving others’ at the same time.

In addition, Co’asis will also ride on Time Auction’s digital platform and resource-matching expertise to offer personalized one-on-one sessions for each participating organization to understand their needs and contributions regarding skills, knowledge on operational issues, and tangible resources that can be shared with the platform. On-demand co-learning calls based on these profiles are also available for exchanging knowledge, seeking and giving advice, and exploring collaborations. For operational issues that garner interest from multiple participants of Co’asis, the Time Auction team will also facilitate small learning groups that will meet virtually or in person. Outside of exchanges, a resources hub is also set up for Co’asis members to refer and vouch for vendors and partners that recognize and best serve the needs of small-sized nonprofits, or even offer such services themselves.

The Foundation looks forward to Co’asis’ acting as an empowering catalyst, leading to a thriving, sharing community of nonprofit workers whereby their abilities to serve their respective causes will be enhanced in a more compassionate and supportive manner, while the social sector will be able to grow stronger together.

For more details of Co’asis, please visit HERE .

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