Compassionate Social Good Community

  • initiate
  • capacity building
  • catalyst for collaboration
  • year
    July 2023 - present
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Bringing the Social Good Community Closer

While “nonprofits” is commonly used to describe organizations dedicated to social good, this term often fails to capture the generosity, dedication, and compassion of those who work within this sector. The efforts of these individuals can sometimes go unrecognized, not only by the public and the communities they serve, but also by their own families and friends, leading to feelings of loneliness and a lack of support.

Following the three-year journey of walking with peers from 50 selected nonprofits under Project Fuel initiated in 2019, it has been identified that there is a pressing need for enhanced, ongoing exchanges among small nonprofits, while empowering and unleashing the potential of these organizations. In July 2023, the Foundation engaged interested alumni organizations from Project Fuel to form a committee dedicated to curating events that can extend and sustain the spirits of Project Fuel, namely co-learning, co-creating, and co-developing. These events provide technical support, and serve as a platform for exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and empathy regarding the common daily challenges faced by these organizations.

The result of this collaboration is the launch of the Compassionate Social Good Community. Apart from the Project Fuel awardees, other stakeholders, including teams from various philanthropies, close partners of the Foundation, and many more small nonprofits, are invited to participate in bi-monthly, half-day events co-hosted and facilitated by both the alumni committee and the Foundation. Embracing an intimate, bottom-up approach, these thematic events prioritize peer learning, self-reflection, and open sharing over traditional didactic methods. In a trust-based environment, participants can freely discuss successes, failures and vulnerabilities, fostering a mindset of peer support.

The Foundation envisions that the gradual development of Compassionate Social Good Community and its events will transcend various service foci, natures of work, cultures, and roles between funders and nonprofits, hoping that those who selflessly dedicate themselves to the wellbeing of others will find an alcove where they can learn from and be inspired by one another, discovering kindred spirits along the way.

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