The Power of Philanthropy

    When like-minded philanthropists come together, share knowledge and support shared causes, we believe it will drive bigger social impacts. Together with other representatives from other family foundations and the impact sector, our Trustee and Chief Strategist Karen Cheung has shared her views on fostering sustainable social efforts in “Family Impact Symposium” organized by Social Ventures Hong Kong last week.

    In the panel of “Blending Resources for Exponential Impact”, Ms. Cheung expressed that with a forward-looking operation model, NGOs could come with social entrepreneurship mindset and offer charged services to targeted groups. And so, it is important for the Institute of Impact Strategy, one of the five institutes of The D. H. Chen Foundation, to initiate Project Fuel and Core Partnership that both providing platforms and support to catalyzing NGO’s sustainable growth by building their capacities. 

    Much insights were drawn from the Symposium and we look forward to putting them into action with our counterparts together.