• Ven. Chuan Deng (middle), Ms. Connie Wong (left) and Ms. Bobo Wong sharing their life and death experiences

    • Ms. Karen Cheung giving a welcoming note

    • About 350 online and offline audiences enjoying the dialogue

    「廷驊思語」講座系列:生命.頌禮 Celebrating Life, Life Celebration

    Three guest speakers of the「廷驊思語」講座系列:生命.頌禮 Celebrating Life, Life Celebration have shared their inspirational stories with about 350 online and offline audiences on September 30.

    Initiated by DHCF and co-hosted with The Centre for Spiritual Progress to Great Awakening (“SPGA”), the talk was kick-started by one of the speakers, Ven. Chuan Deng, who is the Abbess and In-charge of the Buddhist Chaplaincy Unit at SPGA. Ms. Bobo Wong, an experienced social worker in elderly service, shared how she transformed her grief into blessings for her service users and their families after encountering a sudden loss of her family member. Ms. Connie Wong, who changed her career from a stewardess to a life celebrant, realized the importance of self-care in order to walk with the family in the end-of-life journey.

    Through the dialogue between speakers sharing the wisdom on life and death, we hope the talk can inspire audiences to see life and death from a more positive perspective, and live our live to the fullest. Stay tuned for the recording of the video to revisit the talk.