Zen at Nan Fung Place

    If we can take a moment in our hectic daily lives to let our hearts breathe, it will help us clear our minds and reconnect with our inner peace.

    Back in June, The D. H. Chen Foundation had the honor of inviting Changlin Fashi to curate Weaving Lives – Zen Art Exhibition by Changlin Fashi 2021 at The Mills. Through showcasing Fashi’s weaving art, photography and calligraphy works, as well as meditating in the “Pause and Breathe Zone”, the exhibition connected visitors with Zen art and practice, which provided them with a glimpse of their pure intrinsic nature.

    In continuance of this Zen spirit, two “Pause and Breathe Zone” are placed on 1/F of Nan Fung Place from August to October. Take a moment for yourself to experience a simple 10-minute audio guided mindfulness practice in Cantonese to relax your body, and bring calm and peace to your mind.

    Let’s start Zen living at Nan Fung Place this autumn.

    襌在Nan Fung Place


    陳廷驊基金會有幸與常霖法師於今年六月在南豐紗廠舉行「紡」如人生—常霖法師襌藝展2021,以常霖法師多幅充滿襌意的紡藝、攝影及大字作品,配合「停一停 心呼吸」空間的裝置,引領大家感受自性本來清淨的智慧。

    為了延續這份洗滌心靈的襌意,Nan Fung Place一樓在八月至十月開放兩個「停一停 心呼吸」空間,隨著「10分鐘靜坐」的粵語聲音導引,了解如何用「心呼吸」去照顧自己的情緒,在紛擾中重拾真正的自己。

    今個初秋,襌在Nan Fung Place,讓大家一起自在生活。