The D. H. Chen Foundation initiated the Compassionate Children Program (CCP) in 2020, aiming to cultivate primary school students’ compassion-based values and their awareness of and responsibility towards the inner self, the others, the environment, and the world. With School of Everyday Life as the Strategic Partner, a total of six participating schools have integrated such experiential learning experience into their school-based curricula, enabling primary school students to live compassionately in their daily lives.
To support the Program’s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, the Foundation collaborated with the research team led by Dr. May Ng, former Co-director of M.A. Program of Values Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, to conduct an in-depth review of CCP’s curriculum and pedagogical approach from 2020 to 2023 . The team provided objective insights into the Program’s development and refinement — survey results from all participating teachers indicated strong support for the educational objectives of CCP, and a recognition that the implementation of the CCP curriculum contributed positively to students’ character development.
In CCP’s fourth year, it continued to engage the research team for the 2023/2024 academic year, focusing on the Program’s implementation within school-based curricula, and how it can make an impact in the local primary schools. A mixed methods case study design was employed to examine the collaborative experiences of the six participating schools. It comprised questionnaires for all participating teachers, and personal interviews supplemented by classroom observations to collect qualitative data. This comprehensive approach provided a thorough understanding of the in-situ implementation and the outcomes of this year’s Program from the perspectives of strategic partners, instructors and participating teachers.
Click to view the CCP Evaluation Report (2023-2024) below. The insights and sharing aim at inspiring more like-minded teachers and educators to embrace compassion-based education, ultimately driving incremental and systemic changes in the teaching and learning of life education in Hong Kong.
Evaluation Report (2023-2024) (Chinese only)
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Impact Videos (Cantonese only)
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