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D. H. Chen Talk Series

Curating Inspirational Dialogues to Bring Positive Energy

An initiative driven by The D. H. Chen Foundation (“the Foundation”) since 2018 to curate motivational dialogues between people from different backgrounds, Buddhist Talk Series 「廷驊法雨」講座系列 aims to bring positive energy to the community so that people are well prepared in the face of adversity. In 2022, the Series evolved to D. H. Chen Talk Series 「廷驊思語」 in order to uplift the spirits of the public who experienced the difficult years of COVID-19.

The five talks in the Buddhist Talk Series 「廷驊法雨」講座系列 engaged venerable figures from Buddhist backgrounds and other professionals to speak and offer inspirational sharing on different life challenges and brought beams of hope to the crowd.

The Series was kickstarted by the heart-to-heart conversation between Mr. Wong Cho-lam 王祖藍 and Venerable Guo Ngai 果毅法師 in the talk「人生的考卷 – 心寄何處」. Renowned composer and singer Mr. Lowell Lo 盧冠廷 and Venerable Chang Lin 常霖法師 had a fruitful exchange in the second talk 「不羈之後的海闊天空」, while Venerable Hin Hung 釋衍空法師 and Reverent Thomas Kwan 關俊棠神父 shared their wisdom in three talks under「法師與神父對談」.

Click to view the talk (in Cantonese only):


Three talks of「法師與神父對談」are available to view below (in Cantonese only):
人生就是「死捱」?— HERE

In 2022, the Foundation commenced a new Talk Series D. H. Chen Talk Series「廷驊思語」 in order to uplift the spirits of the public who experienced the difficult years of COVID-19.  

Partnered with The Centre for Spiritual Progress to Great Awakening (the “SPGA”), the first talk of the new Series 「生命.頌禮 Celebrating Life, Life Celebration」 was about self-care through the topic of life and death. Three speakers including Ven. Chuan Deng 傳燈法師, Abbess, In-charge of Buddhist Chaplain, Ms. Bobo Wong 黃慧慈, Registered Social worker in elderly service and Ms. Connie Wong 黃錦妍, Life Celebrant, shared their wisdom with us on how to get through the inevitable end-of-life moments.

The second talk of the D. H. Chen Talk Series was 「由『錢』入『心』」, with speakers including Mr. Andrew Fung and Mr. George Leung, two financial tycoons.  Moderated by Mr. Chester Cheng, The D. H. Chen Foundation Scholar, the talk was an inspiring exchange. Both speakers shared that in order to live a balanced and happy life in this materialistic world, it is important to understand all things are impermanent. 

Through the dialogues of minds and hearts, the Foundation believes the synergy created between all walks of life would create a bigger impact on individuals and society by large. With more positive energy, the Foundation is one step closer to the goal of building a compassionate society together.

Click HERE to watch 生命.頌禮 (in Cantonese only):

To view 由「錢」入「心」, click HERE (in Cantonese only)