The Foundation and EDiversity are proud to present the first Asian tour of Robin Grille, author of “Parenting for a Peaceful World” that inspired the three-year program that supports Hong Kong parents, social workers, school teachers and carers to build a positive and connected childhood. As a part of the celebration of EDiversity’s 5th anniversary, Robin’s tour will offer two public talks as follows:
Talk 1:
Parenting for a Peaceful World
Robin Grille invites you on a journey that begins with the surprising and often shocking history and evolution of parenting. He will also reveal how children adapt to parenting styles and how these experiences underpin the adults they become and, ultimately, the way the world is structured.
Date:20 OCT 2019
Fee: $50
Language : English
Quota: 300
Talk 2: (Co-organised with the Faculty of Education, HKU)
When Parents were Children
Robin will show you ways to safely tap into the wisdom of your ‘inner child’, and gain much trust in your inner knowing about how to respond to your child. This process can be very freeing, empowering, healing for you and richly enhancing of your relationship with your child.
Date:24 OCT 2019
Venue:Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
Fee: $50
Language : English
Quota: 300
More details of the talks, workshops and registration are available here.